Databases vs. Websites
What is the difference between a database and a website? Click here to see the main differences. (Make sure you are logged into your Darien Google account to see the document.)
Passwords for Database Access from Home
To access the databases from home (on your home computer), you will need a password. Here is the list of passwords for home use. (Again, you need to be logged into your Darien Google account to see this document.)
Database Collections
The DHS Library Digitized Videos can be accessed through your school Google account via a shared drive.
Staff and students have access to this resource. Please use your google account. If you are logged into Google with a personal account - these resources will not be available.
General Content: Cover a Variety of Topics
User ID: kaizuku / PW: Library@2024!
General Reference
Controversial Issues
American History
World History
Current Events
6 US papers | World & US papers | Major US Magazines |
The Wall Street Journal | The New York Times | Proquest |
Historical Newspapers
Hartford Courant 1764-1922 |
Chicago Tribune 1849-1998 |
LA Times 1881-1997 |
NY Times 1851-2017 |
WSJ 1889-2004 |
Washington Post 1877-2004 |
Other Information