DHS News
Wrestling Pre-Season Meeting - Thursday, September 12th - 2:30-3:00PM in the wrestling room
Softball Informational Meeting for anyone interested in playing softball in the spring - Monday 9/16/24 - 2:25pm in the Fitness Center
In-Person Visits are 15 minutes later than the time listed on this Calendar. College Reps meet with one of our DHS Counselors first and then go to room location for visit with students (ie: if appt shows as 9:00am - College Rep will meet with students @ 9:15am)
Check DHS LED Screens for location of visits.
Dear DHS Families,
We look forward to the opportunity to join as a community this fall to engage with students and families in conversations about balance and healthy decision making in our lives through our Extracurricular Participation Meetings. In order to be approved to participate in our extracurricular program at DHS (clubs and athletics), students and families will be required to attend workshops during the 2024-2025 school year. This year students, along with one parent, can choose to attend this meeting on one of four dates: 8/27, 9/9, 9/30, and 10/10. Please choose a date to attend our Extracurricular Participation Meeting on this form. All grades can attend any meeting as all presentations will be identical. We encourage all DHS families to attend, but again, attendance is mandatory for students who will participate in extracurriculars at any time this school year. The meetings will be held in the DHS auditorium and last for 75 minutes. The number of seats for each presentation is limited, so a date may no longer be visible as an option if we have reached capacity. Please fill this form out once per child.
This fall, we will focus our attention on fostering wellness and promoting balance in the lives of our students. Dr. Andrew Gerber, Director of Silver Hill Hospital, will lead the presentation entitled, “The Power of the Team (Students, Families and School): Living Balanced Lives in an Unbalanced World.”
Thank you, and we look forward to seeing you soon!
Our college Rep Visits will be held both In-Person and Virtually again this year.
Registration for Rep Visits should be done through NAV for all college visits
under Colleges>research colleges>college visits.
For In-School College Rep visits:
Seniors can attend College Rep visits if they have a FREE period or with
permission from their teacher (if in a class). Juniors can attend College Rep
visits only if they have a FREE period. Attendance will be taken.
For Virtual Visits
You MUST register in Naviance for VIRTUAL VISITS -
Reps will only email the virtual link to students who are registered.