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DHS News


DARIEN COMMUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS  application is now available through THIS LINK.

All the information you need to apply for local scholarships is accessible through the link.

All applications must be submitted by March 22nd.

Please reach out to Mrs. Farren in the main office with any questions.

SPRING SPORTS Teams - Pre-Season Interested Students Meetings

Sailing - Any student interested in participating on the sailing team should attend an informational meeting on Thur Feb 6th after school in the cafeteria.

Softball - Anyone interested in trying out for the Softball team this spring should attend a preseason meeting on Wednesday 2/12 @ 2:30pm in room B130

Girls Tennis -  Anyone interested in trying out for girls tennis team this spring should attend a preseason meeting on Thursday, 2/27 2:30 in the café





Course Selection Timeline 2025-26 

1/10, 1/13, 1/21 and 1/22  - DHS Counselors visit MMS 

1/24 Friday -

  •  8:30 am: “Coaching your Kids through Course Selection” (ELECTIVES EXPO) for parents of current  9th, 10th, 11th grade students  

1/29 Wednesday (Snow Date 2/5)

  • 7:00pm: CLASS OF 2029 CURRICULUM NIGHT (for 8th grade parents) in person DHS Auditorium 

1/29 - DHS Course Selection Lesson in Advisory 

1/30, 1/31, 2/3, 2/4 - DHS Course Convo Days 

2/4 - 2/7 - 8th grade course selection for electives (2/6 requests visible to MMS parents)

2/5 - Portal opens for DHS students (closes-view only on 2/14) 

2/24 through 3/21 - DHS Counselors meet with individual students

3/14 Friday - MMS Deadline: Waiver and Google Form for level change/language choice

3/21 Friday - DHS Waiver Deadline

End of May - Beginning of June - a list of classes scheduled are shared with students
